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The Resident Lamas

Padmasambhava Buddhist Center and PBDC are so fortunate to have three Lamas in residence at the Padma Samye Ling location in upstate New York. All of the Lamas have been serving the Dharma and the Venerable Rinpoches for decades. They are approachable and always willing to talk with members and guests about whatever is on their minds. 

Resident Lamas with Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche at PSL

Lama Dragpa, Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche, Lama Lorraine, and Lama Laia (left to right) at Padma Samye Ling

Lama Lorraine O'Rourke

Lama Lorraine

Lama Jomo Lorraine (Jomo Pema Saldon) is a Tibetan Buddhist nun. She was a close disciple and secretary to His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche until 1987, the time of his mahaparinirvana. Jomo Lorraine’s training in ritual and meditation has continued and increased under the direct instruction of her teachers, Venerable Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche. She received monastic ordination from the Khenpo Rinpoches in Deer Park, India, the site of the Buddha’s first teaching.

Jomo Lorraine is one of the founding directors of the Padmasambhava Buddhist Center. She has a keen interest in traditional Buddhist art, and the preservation of ancient ritual dances, chants, and religious artifacts. Jomo Lorraine helped the Ven. Khenpo Rinpoches complete Orgyen Samye Chökhor Ling Nunnery, the first nunnery located in the holy city of Sarnath, India.

Lama Jomo Lorraine

Lama Laia Pema Tsultrim

Lama Laia Pema Tsultrim was ordained as a monk by his teachers Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche at the sacred site of the Buddha’s first sermon in Deer Park, India in 2002. He has been a resident Dharma teacher at Padma Samye Ling (PSL) Monastery in New York since 1999. Lama Laia is a senior editor of Dharma Samudra Publishing, leads daily meditations at PSL, and regularly helps with the Padmasambhava Buddhist Center ( monastery and nunnery in India.

After training in the arts and undergoing a personal search for spirituality, Lama Laia eventually took refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha under the close guidance of the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches. With their blessings, Lama Laia continues to deepen his training in the “three wisdoms” of study, contemplation, and meditation.

Lama Laia’s unique style of communicating the essential pillars of Buddhist tenets enables him to impart tranquility and joy, while encouraging great enthusiasm and inspiration in others to develop mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom.

Lama Laia

Lama Laia Pema Tsultrim

Lama Dragpa

Lama Pema Dragpa

Lama Pema Dragpa

Lama Pema Dragpa has been a resident Dharma teacher at Padma Samye Ling since 2004 and was ordained as a lama by the Ven. Khenpo Rinpoches. He is a senior editor of over 20 books on philosophy, meditation, and Buddhist tenets.


Lama Dragpa graduated with honors in philosophy and religious studies from NYU in 2002, and is a certified Hospice volunteer. He has taught at Colgate University, Scranton University, and Binghamton Community College, and regularly travels to lead PBC events on traditional and contemporary Buddhist philosophy and meditation.


Padmasambhava Buddhist Center (PBC) was established in 1989 to preserve the authentic message of Buddhism, and specifically Tibetan Buddhism, in its entirety, and to teach the traditions of the Nyingma school and Vajrayana Buddhism. PBC includes centers in the U.S.A., India, Puerto Rico, and Russia, as well as monastic institutions in India, the U.S.A., and Russia.

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